Health and safety are fundamental to all we do at SKAZ. 

Every project is carefully planned by us to ensure the safety of both your team and our team at all times.

The health and safety standard from SKAZ enables us to apply best practices to all we do.

Because of our flawless safety record and reliable safety accreditations, you can always count on us to follow best practices.

We are totally dedicated to following health and safety protocols at every stage of the company. Written rules covering a wide range of topics are included in this, including corporate and social responsibility (CSR), smoking, drugs, alcohol, emergency preparedness, PPE, and suspending work due to on-site risks. Every policy is applied to all activities at all locations and is evaluated on a regular basis.

We ensure that SKAZ Engineering practice always complies with our standards and your expectations by providing health and safety training to our personnel and by periodically reviewing and updating their abilities.

A method statement and risk assessment are prepared for each project, taking into account the people, equipment, and site(s) specifically.

SKAZ Engineering commitment includes:

Fully safety-trained personnel
Risk assessment 
Method statement
Compliance with local regulations
Adherence to SKAZ Engineering policies

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